Your PMU and Beauty Business Besties
The GlamLife PMU Podcast

The GlamLife PMU Podcast

Hosted by: Victoria Glam

Welcome to the Glam Life podcast. I'm your host, Victoria Glam, and I’ve created this podcast to help you turn your business goals into a reality.


Find Your Messaging

Season #4

Hey! It's V Checking in during Mardi Gras week with some free coaching! here's that link to a helpful FREE lesson and also a link to my marketing playlist! LESSON: PlayList:...
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PMU in a Hays

Season #4

Robin Hays, CPCP has a long and impressive career to tell you about. She's been the president of the AAM and sits on the board of the SPCP. She cooked up pigments in a blender and works in rotation with doctors across...
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s4e2 Tran-form Your Marketing

Season #4

Danny Tran (PMU World, HighStoke Media) joins us to discuss all things marketing and how a career in Silicon Valley trasnformed into a multi million dollar industry changing company!
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I ❤️ Tina Davies

Season #4

Tina Davies visits the GlamLife Podcast to talk about her new pigment line, her existing relationship with permablend, mumming like a boss, and inventing "MICROBLADING". find her on instagram @TinaDaviesProfessional...
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