Your PMU and Beauty Business Besties
The GlamLife PMU Podcast

The GlamLife PMU Podcast

Hosted by: Victoria Glam

Welcome to the Glam Life podcast. I'm your host, Victoria Glam, and I’ve created this podcast to help you turn your business goals into a reality.


Making A Monster - Origin Story

Season #2

How did I become VICTORIA GLAM?   Today brings season 2 of the GlamLife Podcast to a close See you back here in mid-Oct with a new format <3
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Graceful Exits

Season #2

What happens when you realize a product, program, or partnership are no longer serving you? How do you exit while saving face and not burning a bridge? Lets chat about it!
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Bland Business Breakups

Season #2

Exiting before their time with no fanfare or drama? Still sucks. Lets talk about it!
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Season #2

We say we start these businesses to own our time as moms --- but have you lost touch with that goal? How much time are you truly carving out for the fam?
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What does DO IT SCARED mean?

Season #2

Doing it scared is a popular term is small business but what does it mean and how can you harness this advice in YOUR business? Lets talk about it <3
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Season #2

Its giving JEALOUSSSSS Have you dealt with jealousy in your business? The more successful you become, the more haters you'll get!
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Season #2

SUMMER CONTENT SERIES: NEW MEDIA ALERT-- Instagram THREADS -- everything you need to know! <3 How to use it for your business --- and how to get automatically blocked by me.
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What To Post

Season #2

okay you're ready to get serious about posting --- but what do you post?? Lets chat!
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Consistency without Burnout

Season #2

Remaining Consistent is THE BIGGEST service you can do for your business in the content marketing space. Its also one of the biggest jobs you can have in your business. Lets talk about it!
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Summer Content Series

Season #2

Your summer content creation journey starts NOW! Make a promise to yourself to show up consistently for your business and lets get to work. Nervous? Lets talk about it.
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50% Complete

Two Step

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